Dark Moon Ritual — Mar. 30

March 30th’s ritual had more people than the last few have had, including a man who watched it because his wife (not me) invited him.  We went back to the Dark Moon report which we had not done in several months. I drew the 7 of swords reversed. In this deck it is called the Lord of Unstable Effort. I told the group that I thought it referred to work. I was negotiating a large editing job but I really would like to be working on another project, a monthly online magazine on alternative economics. However, I will not undertake that without funding and some physical help, none of which I can see coming just yet. (The money I will make  on the editing project has to go to ordinary living expenses, unfortunately).

Another woman who works in sales said that her card was emblematic of the fact that March was a bad month in sales for her. Another woman said that her card symbolized the miscarriage she just had. One man said that his card spoke of an academic program that he is thinking of dropping. The card only seemed to confirm that withdrawing was the best course. A second man saw the successful completion of his doctoral dissertation in his card. This meant that the routine by which he has run the last four years of his life has to change. It served the dissertation period, but is no longer functional.

It looks as though a lot of us are in transition periods that may only get harder before they get better as an astrological Grand Cross comes to its peak on April 22. A Grand Cross is two oppositions or four squares making the shape of a cross in the sky. A time of heavy challenge. I don’t envy anyone born with it.

The lady who runs the store where we meet offered  anyone who wanted it some barley which is sacred to Hermes. We can use it to offer a prayer to Hermes every day for prosperity and then bring the barley we used back to the store next Dark Moon to use as an offering there. I like the idea of having something short to do each day as part of ny devotions as a dedicant, And I needed some barley for ritual purposes anyway but haven’t been able to get to the grocery store that carries it, so this was convenient.

We have decided that we will determine our officiants for following rituals the week before, via email. The concern I have is that people will think that only the dedicants should do this and not step up themselves. I thought about volunteering this time, but as I had done it at the end of January, part of me felt it was too soon. Since I prayed for rain and we have been getting it. (It is raining now) perhaps . I should be the one to close the rainy season.

Several of us, including me, have also decided that we will make a batch if Hekate incense next month and also learn a new chant to Her.









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