Dark Moon Ritual – October 22, 2014

Fawn, who is soon to move with her husband and daughter into the redwood country, was looking forward to invoking Hekate this evening, but she and the rest of the family came down with the flu, so she had to withdraw from tonight’s proceedings.

Several others of the regulars couldn’t make it for various reasons so I called Rabbit to see if she was still planning to teach people how to make a Tibetan offering called torma. She said she would teach whomever showed up. I decided not to go anyway because of the time it takes to travel. Then I got a ride to the bus stop and caught the express into town. However, I had to wait a bit for the second bus; I got to the store about 10 minutes late and I was hungry anyway. So I tried to go to a local Mexican place but there was a big line. So I ended up eating a Ritter Bar, which I really have to give up; they are all natural but they have too much sugar. I went back to the store, where they were just finishing up the torma lesson. She will teach it again some day so I can catch up then.

I ended up doing the opening part of the ritual called taking refuge, which then allowed Rabbit to take Fawn’s place as the Hekate priestess. I was surprised this time as I was asked to do the closing dedication of merit. I had not been asked to do this the last, and only other time, I did taking refuge, and was so surprised that I blanked out. Fortunately, Rabbit stepped in and started it for me.

Dark Moon report saw me choose The Foolish Man right side up. I like it because it wasn’t cups and/or something reversed. (That’s getting boring.) This card said to have faith in the Universe. Rabbit also said that the card is often connected with new work and the day before that I had been offered a new story to produce for radio.

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