Lessons for 2015 Number 1: Timing is Everything

Well, I’ve written my goals–not resolutions–for 2015, 24 of them in categories called Physical, Intellectual, Financial and Spiritual, but I am refining the “to do” list aspect into more general themes. One major theme in 2015 is to unite my spiritual life with my mundane life. One way to do this is to schedule my…

Dark Moon Ritual June 26

Yes, I know I am very late with this one. The highlight of the evening was the fact that we were celebrating our high priest Sam’s successful defense of his doctoral dissertation. He’s getting a PhD in history to go with his M. Div. The dissertation dealt with the history of theurgy from Iamblichus to…

Happy Birthday, Hermes!

Hermes is reputed to have been born at dawn on the fourth of the month. That, plus His being the God of the 4-way crossroads make 4 His sacred number. But the fourth of what month is the question. Do you have an answer? Modern pagans tend to fix April 4th as His birthday (4/4).…

Pantheon Foundation

The following is a blog post by Sam Webster, M. Div. Mage, and a member of the Board of Directors of the newly formed Pantheon Foundation. Please read and distribute to your Pagan friends Thank you! When talk is not enough, it is time to build. This month, with the Claremont Conference on Contemporary Paganism…